Complete Liberty Podcast promotes total respect for self-ownership, property rights, and personal choice—amidst the authoritarian/obedience-oriented political and psychological memes in American culture (and elsewhere). Basically, governments and all they entail are the problem, not the solution. Voluntarism (or market anarchism, or anarcho-capitalism) and customary law principles, in accordance with reason and dignity, spell the solution.
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All the episodes are hosted at and here they all are in the Podcast Player too (download link inside far right icon):

Have you had it with “politics” and desire to live in a brilliantly better future? Are you curious about what can replace an age-old coercive organization trying to control you and your property, so that everyone can finally be respected?
A dangerous myth perpetuates our political plight in America: The belief that we are free. In fact, scores of unjust laws daily violate our individual rights. Being regulated and taxed to fund governmentally monopolized services, under threats of being fined, arrested, punished, or even killed, necessarily sacrifices our needs for freedom and justice.
In stark contrast we have the American spirit, which is about embracing liberty and realizing opportunities for creativity, win/win trade, and prosperity. Complete Liberty podcast explains not only the sundry ills of statism, but also the untold benefits of systems that respect and enable both freedom and responsibility. Let’s leave domination systems in the dustbin of history.
Visit the website for the free books at
Raise Your Hand For Genocide – Noah Samsen THE BOY WHO CRIED HOLOCAUST – Zionism’s Transference of Trauma – The Kandari Chronicles
The Surprising Purpose of Anger: Beyond Anger Management: Finding the Gift (Nonviolent Communication Guides) 2005 by Marshall B. Rosenberg PhD
An Open Letter to Walter E. Block By Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Jan 31, 2024 Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree – FreeKeene The Prison Industrial Complex & The Economics of Incarceration | Jarrett Adams x Peter McCormack Dave Smith | A Response to Nick Freitas | Part Of The Problem 1195
Not in Our Name: Disentangling Judaism from the Violence of Occupation with Rabbi Cat Zavis
Joel’s podcast Kirk’s new site and blog post:
Rwandan genocide: Hiding from death | 60 Minutes Archive

Also, the first ten episodes of Complete Liberty Podcast are the audiobook of Complete Liberty. Episodes 11 through 212 are simply podcasts, and the show ends with the audiobook of Complete Liberty Inside Out, episodes 213-221.
Also, Spotify can be a handy option for mobile listening: